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Latest News Mentioning Kirstjen Nielsen

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Kevin McAleenan, a 2019 Wash100 award recipient, is stepping down from his role as acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security after six months on the job, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. President Donald Trump said in a tweet McAleenan "wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector."...

Kirstjen Nielsen on Sunday stepped down from her post as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, CBS News reported Sunday. President Donald Trump announced in a tweet that Kevin McAleenan, commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection, will serve as interim DHS secretary. The report said Nielsen™s resignation comes amid Trump™...

Weekly Roundup January 26 – February 2, 2018 Click here to see Real-Time GovCon Sector Quotes The GovCon “Popular Vote” is Rocked  Craig Abod, Paul Smith, Stu Shea, Bill Rowan, & Larry Prior Among Early Leaders Jim Garrettson, Executive Mosaic CEO Last week, Executive Mosaic announced its 5th annual list of ...