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Bob Fickett

CPI Completes Purchase of General Dynamics’ Antenna Systems Business; Bob Fickett Quoted

Communications & Power Industries has finalized its acquisition of SATCOM Technologies from General Dynamics (NYSE: GD). The newly acquired company will operate as a subsidiary under the name CPI Satcom & Antenna Technologies and will retain its executive management team, which will report directly to Andrew Ivers, chief operating officer of CPI, the company said Friday.

CPI Satcom & Antenna Technologies will run with approximately 1,000 employees through its facilities across the U.S., Europe and India and collaborate with CPI Malibu Division and Orbital Systems to provide satellite communications antenna systems and related platforms to customers for use in defense, scientific and communications applications.

Bob Fickett, president and CEO of CPI, said the transaction will help the company further build up its satcom product offering in support of government, military and commercial customers worldwide.

“With the addition of CPI Satcom & Antenna Technologies, our antenna systems portfolio now ranges from VSAT (very small aperture terminal) antennas to portable common data link antennas to very large, complex earth station antennas, and we offer a wide selection of related products, including feed components, satcom amplifiers, converters and antenna control systems to support defense, communications, astronomy, earth observation and scientific applications,” Fickett added.

CPI agreed to buy SATCOM Technologies from General Dynamics in August 2019 and used newly committed debt financing to fund the transaction.

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