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Category: Videos

VIDEO: Tactical Augmented RealityDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Tactical Augmented Reality

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8p19j8C6VI Tactical Augmented Reality provides sensor imagery with integrated mapping, navigation and 3D surface models for greatly enhanced operational maneuver
VIDEO: Through Their EyesDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Through Their Eyes

Mobility Guardian 17: “Through Their Eyes” takes a quick look at the exercise from the perspective of nine U.S. and
VIDEO: Marine Week Detroit MAGTF TeaserDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Marine Week Detroit MAGTF Teaser

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qjFZ5foKtQ From music to drill to deployment of forces from air and sea, watch Marines show the city of Detroit
VIDEO: USS Iwo Jima Hurricane Irma Relief OnloadDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: USS Iwo Jima Hurricane Irma Relief Onload

NORFOLK, Va. (Sept. 7, 2017) Supplies and equipment are loaded onto the Amphibious Assault Ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7).
VIDEO: Selfless ServiceDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Selfless Service

The U.S. Army’s top recruiter, Sgt. 1st Class Ernie Nieves, has spent his life devoted to improving his community. On
VIDEO: The ABCs of DARPADoD/Military/Pentagon


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FxAb1fGYWE DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is known for the wide range of research and development programs it
VIDEO: Navy Delivers Food, Water To TexansDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Navy Delivers Food, Water To Texans

SILSBEE, Texas (Sept. 2, 2017) – A detachment from the Vanguard of Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron (HM) 14 transports thousands
VIDEO: U.S. Army SnipersDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: U.S. Army Snipers

Can you spot the two snipers hiding in the woods? Staff Sgt. Brian Moran, an Instructor at the U.S. Army
VIDEO: Mattis Briefs Press on North KoreaGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Mattis Briefs Press on North Korea

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSUDpSMrv4c Defense Secretary Jim Mattis briefs reporters at the White House after a national security meeting held today with President
VIDEO: U.S., South Korean Defense Leader Discuss Security ThreatGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: U.S., South Korean Defense Leader Discuss Security Threat

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX1ix2YAaG8 Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and South Korean Defense Minster Song Young-moo discussed tempering North Korean aggression in a meeting