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Air Force Picks 7 for Spectrum Warfare Tech R&D Project

researchSeven companies have won contracts to help the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory develop technologies for warfighters to operate in a contested electromagnetic environment, Military & Aerospace Electronics reported Friday.

John Keller writes the contractors will design and build systems for countering anti-access/area denial threats under the service’s $47 million Advanced Novel Spectrum Warfare Environment Research program.

AFRL also asked the organizations to explore methods that could help U.S. and allied military troops manage communications, radar and networking systems under an A2/AD scenario during air, land and sea-based missions.

The branch will allocate funds based on performance and could extend work through September 2021, according to the publication.

Awardees for the ANSWER program are:

  • Berriehill Research Corp.
  • Dynetics
  • Georgia Tech Applied Research Corp.
  • Leidos
  • MacAulay-Brown
  • Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
  • Riverside Research Institute

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