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State Department OKs Poland’s $7.3B FMS Request to Support F-16 Upgrade

The State Department has approved a potential $7.3 billion foreign military sales request of Poland for equipment and services to help modify and upgrade the European country’s existing F-16 aircraft to the new Viper configuration.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Wednesday Lockheed Martin will be the principal contractor in the proposed FMS deal.

F-16 Viper Midlife Upgrade

The FMS request will support the F-16 Viper modernization effort, enabling the Polish government to improve its air defense and surveillance capabilities, advance national security and strengthen the country’s defense and contributions to NATO.

The U.S. government expects the transaction to support its national security and foreign policy goals by improving the NATO member country’s security.

Requested Equipment and Support Under FMS Deal

The proposed sale includes improved programmable display generators, AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile flight test vehicles, Small Diameter Bomb II, GBU53/B Guided Test Vehicles, Embedded GPS Inertial Navigation Systems with selective availability anti-spoofing module or M-Code capability and AN/APG-83 active electronically scanned array scalable agile beam radars.

The FMS also covers non-MDE items, including PAWS-2 missile warning systems, Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems II and AN/ARC-238 radios.

Poland asked to buy repair and return support, publications, technical documentation, classified and unclassified software delivery support, program and technical support, U.S. government and contractor engineering assistance and logistics services.

DSCA notified Congress of the FMS request Wednesday.

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