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SRI Spins Out Military Training Service Provider Ravenswood

SRI spun out  Ravenswood Solutions, and the now independent company will continue providing training and instrumentation services in support of U.S. military and international allies.

In a statement published Thursday, SRI CEO David Parekh said, “Spinning out Ravenswood is a testament to our ongoing mission to accelerate the development and deployment of solutions that make a real-world impact.”

Ravenswood had been an SRI subsidiary since 2015. Initially, it was established as part of the latter’s instrumentation and simulation initiative aimed at scaling the institute’s delivery of mobile, scalable and live training and exercise support.

Kipp Peppel, who was executive director of Ravenswood since its inception, is now president and CEO of the independent, small business entity.

“This move will help us expand our impact and address the growing demand for live training environments in a more agile and focused manner,” Peppel said of the spinout.

Serving alongside Peppel are Marc Gimbel as vice president of products and services, and Tony Hawkins as director of product development. Both are SRI alumni and minority investors who began their professional careers at the company in 2001.

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