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GovCon Expert Jim McAleese Offers Analysis of $833B FY25 House Defense Appropriations Bill

A new McAleese & Associates report indicates that the House Appropriations Committee’s $833 billion defense appropriations bill includes $294.3 billion for the Department of Defense’s operations and maintenance initiatives and $165.3 billion for procurement efforts in fiscal year 2025.

Jim McAleese, founder of McAleese & Associates and a three-time Wash100 winner, reported that DOD’s O&M and procurement accounts both reflect a 1 percent reduction in appropriations.

According to McAleese, the Pentagon’s research, development, test and evaluation efforts in the bill would receive $145.9 billion in fiscal year 2025, reflecting a “2 percent or $2.8 billion plus-up.”

The GovCon expert also offered a detailed analysis of appropriations for procurement and RDT&E initiatives of each military branch.

For the U.S. Air Force, McAleese noted that the proposed legislation includes $20.8 billion for the service branch’s aircraft procurement initiatives in the next fiscal year, including F-35 fighter jets, C-130J military transport aircraft and combat rescue helicopters.

The measure would appropriate $4 billion for missile procurement and $629 million for ammunition in fiscal year 2025, according to McAleese.

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