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Nutanix’s Dan Fallon: Agencies Need Software to Unify, Manage Edge Environments

Dan Fallon, senior director of public sector systems engineers at Nutanix (Nasdaq: NTNX), said agencies should tap the power of software as they take a unified approach to edge computing and manage large volumes of data.

“Agencies need a platform that seamlessly unifies all elements of their enterprise IT. In short, they need a software stack that can integrate everything so the IT team can manage it as one,” Fallon wrote.

“They must be able to do more with less, and that comes down to finding the right platform — one that taps the power of software to manage all the environments and new devices coming online,” he added.

Fallon called on agencies to integrate edge computing into their overall information technology infrastructure to provide end users quick access to data and help them generate insights from data in real time to facilitate the decision-making process.

Government agencies should prioritize embedding security into edge computing.

“The edge computing model should operate along the lines of a platform as a service so that it automatically applies security updates on all devices, for example,” he wrote. “In addition, a zero trust model can ensure that user and device access is governed by dynamic policies versus static network rules.”

Fallon discussed how edge computing expands drones’ ability to process data and images to help identify hurricane-hit areas and protect airports. He also mentioned how Nutanix helps the military provide warfighters with computing capability as they operate in austere environments through software on laptops and other mobile devices.

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