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Michael Kratsios, acting undersecretary for DoD

Six Companies Join Quantum Economic Development Consortium’s Steering Panel; Michael Kratsios Quoted

Boeing (NYSE: BA), IBM (NYSE: IBM), Google, ColdQuanta, QC Ware and Zapata Computing signed participation agreements to join the steering committee of a consortium tasked with advancing research in quantum information science and identifying standards, technology and workforce needs to support the emerging QIS-based industry.

The Quantum Economic Development Consortium’s steering panel also includes the Department of Energy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology as members, NIST said Wednesday.

“Through the establishment of the QED-C steering committee, the administration has reached yet another milestone delivering on the National Quantum Initiative and strengthening American leadership in quantum information science. We look forward to the continued work of the QED-C and applaud this private-public model for advancing QIS research and innovation,” said Michael Kratsios, U.S. chief technology officer and a 2020 Wash100 Award winner.

NIST established the consortium in 2018 in partnership with SRI International as part of the National Quantum Initiative Act. 

QED-C has more than 180 members, including industry, government and academic institutions, with a goal of building a supply chain to support the commercial quantum-based industry.

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