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Attila Receives NIAP Certification for Two Cybersecurity Offerings; Greg Smith Quoted

Jeff Brody
Greg Smith

The National Information Assurance Partnership has certified two Attila Security offerings for compliance with the NIAP Common Criteria framework.

Attila said Thursday the certification allows for the availability of its Silent Edge Enterprise Server and the GoSilent mobile client to government customers.

SEES offers a web-based management console for system administrators to secure access to internet resources, while GoSilent works to physically separate two encryption layers and protect sensitive communications.

Both offerings allow users to connect to virtual private networks from any IP device through a two-click method.

“GoSilent technology was designed to protect our nation from advanced cyber attacks, zero-day threats and data theft,” said Gregg Smith, co-founder and CEO of Attila Security.

Smith added the certification will help more customer agencies implement the company’s products as part of communications and information security efforts.

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