Dr. Reginald Brothers, the executive vice president and chief technology officer for Peraton, will be featured as a moderator during the Potomac Officers Clubs 3rd Annual Border Protection Innovations and Technology Forum on March 28th at the 2941 Restaurant in Falls Church, Va.
During the forum GovCon leaders from the public and private sector will address the critical issues of securing the U.S. borders, particularly the development, implementation and procurement of new technology used in the field by CBP officers and agents.
Dr. Brothers joined Peraton as the executive vice president and chief technology officer in Feb. 2018. Through his leadership of S&T, hes responsible for a science and technology portfolio that includes basic and applied research, development, demonstration, testing, and evaluation with the purpose of helping DHS operational elements and the Nations first responders achieve their missions in the most effective, most efficient, and safest manner possible.
Prior to joining Peraton, Dr. Brothers was a principal with The Chertoff Group from Jan. 2017 to Feb. 2018. He served as the under secretary for Science and Technology with the Department of Homeland Security from May 2014 to Jan. 2017. Between 2011 to 2014, he served as the deputy assistant secretary for Research with the Department of Defense. Hes also held senior leadership positions with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, BAE Systems and many others.
Dr. Brothers earned a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Tufts University, a masters degree in Electrical Engineering from Southern Methodist University and his PhD. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dont miss out on your opportunity to register for the 2019 Border Protection Innovations and Technology Forum. You can register for the event here.