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Boeing Gets Potential $82M Navy Data Multiplex Tech Engineering Contract

Boeing (NYSE: BA) will design and engineer a suite of data multiplex systems for the U.S. Navy and three foreign military sales customers under a potential $82.4 million contract

The company will provide technical engineering services needed to sustain, qualify and integrate the AN/USQ-82(V) family of systems, as well as provide technical support to manufacturers and repair vendors, the Defense Department said Tuesday.

Work also covers configuration management, testing and cybersecurity enhancement services.

The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract has a $15.9 million value over the base period that runs through May 2019.

Ninety-three percent of contract purchases are for the Navy and the remaining seven percent are for Australia, South Korea and Japan.

The total amount of obligated Navy and FMS funds at the time of award is $6.5 million.

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