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USAF Vet Eric Swanson Named Comprehensive Health Services International Operations Director

Eric Swanson

Eric Swanson, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, has joined Comprehensive Health Services as director of international operations.

He will report to Casper Jones, chief operating officer and senior vice president for international operations, Comprehensive Health Services said Monday.

Swanson help build up the company™s international operations through the synchronization of support efforts in the continental U.S., meet the requirements of teams that operate overseas, collaborate with business offices and support the decision-making process as a member of the firm™s international health care delivery team.

His 36-year military career includes time as senior IMA medical inspector, medical group commander and deputy commander of the 447th air expeditionary group/expeditionary medical support system at Sather Air Base in Iraq.

He is affiliated with several organizations such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Oregon City/County Management Association and the International City/County Management Association.

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