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CSRA to Help Digitize VA Health Records Under $158M Task Order; Kamal Narang Comments

Kamal Narang

CSRA (NYSE: CSRA) has received a potential three-year, $158 million task order from the Department of Veterans Affairs to convert more than seven million health records of U.S. military veterans into a digital format.

The company said Monday its SRA International subsidiary will perform the task at the VA Records Management Center in St. Louis, Missouri, in efforts to help accelerate the department’s processes to manage electronically-based claims and flow of information.

“This work has the potential to save lives by quickly providing doctors and administrators with key information to inform their decisions,” said Kamal Narang, head of CSRA’s federal health group.

Narang added the contract provides the company an opportunity to apply its “Think Next. Now.” approach to help VA transform operations in the digital age.

CSRA also currently helps the department shift from paper-based to electronic claims processing operations via the Intake Conversion Mail Handling Services contract.

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