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Zoll Medical to Deliver Vital Signs Monitors Under $400M DLA Contract

medical health doctorZoll Medical has received a $400 million contract from the Defense Logistics Agency to supply vital signs monitors to the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force.

The Defense Department said Tuesday the contract has a one-year base period and five one-year option periods and that Zoll will perform work in Massachusetts through June 27, 2021.

The contract was awarded through a competitive procurement process with three bids received.

Zoll is an Asahi Kasei Group subsidiary that offers medical devices and software systems such as defibrillation, monitoring, circulation, CPR feedback, data management, therapeutic temperature management and ventilation.

The Chelmsford, Massachusetts-headquartered company developed the Propaq M vital signs monitor to support military and aeromedical operations through physiologic monitoring,  data communications, remote viewing,  defibrillator and pacer functions.

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