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NNSA Eyes $36B Follow-On Contract for Savannah River Site Management & Operation

The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration has announced plans to compete a potential 20-year, $36 billion recompete contract to manage and operate the Savannah River Site, or SRS.

According to a presolicitation notice published Tuesday, NNSA expects to release the final request for proposals in the second quarter of fiscal year 2025.

What Is SRS?

The Savannah River Site provides the capability for supporting the nuclear weapons stockpile; storing and processing nuclear materials in support of U.S. nuclear nonproliferation initiatives; and developing and fielding technologies to support site cleanup.

NNSA serves as the site’s landlord and is responsible for supporting the nuclear weapons stockpile programs and nonproliferation activities on the site.

Follow-On Contract’s Scope

The contractor will carry out all necessary coordination, operational and management functions required to support NNSA and national security missions assigned to SRS. 

Work may include infrastructure management and maintenance; IT and cybersecurity protocols and applications; human resource management including critical skills recruitment, training and retention; emergency management, health, safety, security systems; environmental and waste management; safeguards; and purchasing and other administrative systems. 

The recompete contract will have a four-month transition period, a five-year base term and options of up to 15 years.

Savannah River Nuclear Solutions oversees the site under a management and operations contract that expires at the end of September 2026.

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