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C5ISR Center Director Joseph Welch to Keynote 2025 Defense R&D Summit

Since Joseph Welch took on overseeing the U.S. Army’s DEVCOM C5ISR Center in 2021, he has been responsible for transforming the center’s science and technology portfolio by providing strategic organizational guidance. 

Welch will speak at the Potomac Officers Club’s 2025 Defense R&D Summit on Jan. 23. The event will feature the nation’s leading defense researchers hailing from various military branches speaking on emerging technologies shaping the future of the U.S. military. You don’t want to miss out on this event so secure tickets to the 2025 Defense R&D Summit now.

Joseph Welch’s Experience 

Before joining the C5ISR Center, Welch served as the deputy program executive officer for command, control and communications-tactical, or PEO C3T. In this role, he spearheaded a workforce of over 1,600 personnel supporting more than 50 Army acquisition programs. 

Welch’s other previous roles include:

  • Technical director of PEO C3T
  • Technical management division chief and project manager for tactical radios within PEO C3T 
  • Chief engineer and program manager of handheld, manpack and small form fit within the joint program executive office and joint tactical radio system
  • Software and cyber branch chief for program manager joint ground domain within joint program executive office’s joint tactical radio system
  • Electrical and computer engineer for the Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center 

Welch’s Thoughts on Army’s Network Modernization

While serving as PEO C3T, Welch was responsible for advancing the Army’s tactical network, a significant effort to streamline communications for warfighters in contested environments worldwide. 

During the Potomac Officers Club’s 7th Annual Army Summit, Welch spoke on the military branch’s network modernization experiment, or NetModX. In this event, scientists and engineers test innovative technologies in realistic operational conditions. 

Welch said the NetModX has shown “a really good track record of success” for producing technologies, including radio communications links for the Army’s future combat vehicles. He also noted NetModX supports the Army in establishing joint research and development agreements with allies and informing partners on S&T investments and project management acquisitions.

C5ISR Center

The Army’s command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, or C5ISR, Center is an organization that develops technologies to help the military branch gain an advantage over adversaries throughout the warfighting landscape.   

You can learn more about the Army’s current technology and network modernization initiatives at the 2025 Defense R&D Summit on Jan. 23. Save your spot at the 2025 Defense R&D Summit to learn about the Army’s foremost efforts to bolster the nation’s defense.

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