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Nintex’s Steve Witt: Document Generation Tools Could Help Agencies Improve Digital Experience

Steve Witt, director of public sector at Nintex, said government agencies that plan to shift from paper-based processes into real-time online services to deliver a better digital experience to employees and citizens should adopt a document generation platform.

“To fully modernize the way documentation is managed, agencies must automate the generation, delivery and processing of documents,” Witt wrote in an article published on Carahsoft.com.

According to the public sector chief, document generation tools allow agencies to collect all unstructured data across various platforms and present structured documents to users.

“Once the documents are structured, the solutions can also run the documents through the necessary approvals and store them for future access,” the Nintex executive noted.

Witt discussed how tools like the Nintex platform running on Salesforce could help agencies automate document generation and delivery through the use of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel as the authoring environment.

He also cited how the company’s offerings, such as Nintex DocGen, Workflow Automation, user interface development capabilities and human-centered design approaches, could enable agencies to streamline document management operations as part of their digital transformation efforts.

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