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Damon Griggs Appointed Harmonia CEO & Chairman

Harmonia Holdings Group, a Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center-located software company, has appointed Damon Griggs, executive partner at Madison Dearborn Partners, as CEO and chairman of its board of directors.

The executive move is part of MDP’s recent investment in Harmonia to accelerate its strategy to become a digital transformation provider for federal government organizations, Harmonia said Monday.

Griggs brings more than 25 years of experience in leading and growing technology services companies. His career includes time as president and chief operating officer and then CEO of Dovel Technologies, president and COO of InScope International and senior vice president and director of corporate strategic initiatives at Alion Science and Technology.

He serves on Ad Hoc’s board and Alpha Omegas’ board of advisers.

Aside from Griggs, Jon Brooks also joined Harmonia as chief business and legal officer from MDP.

“Through our new partnership with MDP, Damon and Jon,
Harmonia will have the resources to build expertise and develop leadership roles to accelerate its growth
strategy, which we expect will deliver many benefits to our customers and employees,” said Pallabi Saboo and Jai Saboo, co-founder of Harmonia.

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