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Tom Reynolds Appointed Seasats Chief Strategy Officer

Tom Reynolds has been selected as the new chief strategy officer of Seasats, a company that specializes in autonomous surface vessels.

Seasats announced the move in a LinkedIn post shared Tuesday.

An experienced industry executive, Reynolds previously worked at HII (NYSE: HII). He was the senior director of business development for unmanned systems before he moved up to vice president of business development.

Reynolds was with Hydroid, Inc. when HII acquired the company in 2020. He served as business development manager for defense and vice president of business development before the acquisition.

A trustee of the Naval Academy, Reynolds also shares his knowledge and experience as a member of the board of directors at the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International. In addition, he is part of the advisory council of the Naval Submarine League.

The U.S. Navy veteran served as a surface warfare officer and EOD officer during his time in service. Reynolds was also branch chief of the joint special operations command and commanding officer of the mobile diving and salvage’s second unit.

He graduated from the Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science and Government, and holds a Master of Business Administration from Benedictine College.

Reynolds, who also serves as president Reynolds Strategies, expressed his excitement over his appointment at Seasats. “This is an exceptionally talented team bringing innovative and practical solutions to the maritime market. We have a lot to work with and growing demand for our products and services.”

Mike Flanigan, CEO of Seasats, believes Reynolds will be an essential part of the company’s success. “We’ve built a really stellar team and product over the past few years. Tom is going to play a key role in helping translate that to continued U.S. and international growth as this industry continues to flourish.”

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