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State Department OKs Netherlands’ Potential $305M FMS Request for Helicopter Training Support

The State Department has cleared the potential $305 million foreign military sale of CH-47 and AH-64 helicopter training and equipment to the government of the Netherlands. 

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Monday the proposed deal covers training in support of the said helicopter fleet along with equipment such as training ammunition, Army Supply Class I-VI and VIII-X items, information technology equipment, ground components, parts and accessories.

Under the FMS, the Netherlands will also procure Installation Management Command-related service support, U.S. government and contractor personnel assistance, miscellaneous service contract support and other related elements of logistics and program support.

The request seeks to strengthen the Netherlands’ capacity to maintain training activities for the CH-47 and AH-64 helicopter fleet at Fort Cavazos, Texas, which hosts personnel and equipment from the Royal Netherlands Air Force 302 Squadron.

Training at this base includes AMERICAN FALCON exercise, which is a key event for Dutch military units and personnel to be certified before deployment overseas.

In addition, the potential transaction is in line with the U.S. government’s efforts to boost its foreign policy and national security objectives by supporting a NATO ally in upgrading its military capability.

The DSCA notified Congress of the potential sale Monday.

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