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State Department OKs $138M FMS Deal With Czech Republic for Hellfire Missiles

The State Department has approved a potential $138.3 million foreign military sale transaction with the government of the Czech Republic for Hellfire missiles, advanced precision kill weapon systems and related support services.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Wednesday it informed Congress of the possible deal, which covers 200 Hellfire Air-to-Ground Missiles, four Hellfire Captive Air Training Missiles and 600 WGU-59A/B II systems (single variant).

Czech Republic also requested support equipment, training material, inert components, repair services and training and technical support, among others.

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) and BAE Systems will be the principal contractors of the potential FMS.

Through the weapon system purchase, the Czech Republic seeks to bolster its homeland defense and regional threat deterrence. It also aims to strengthen its interoperability with the U.S. and other allies.

Hellfire is a multipurpose missile designed to defeat a range of targets with precision-strike accuracy. It features trajectory shaping, automatic target reacquisition and lock-on before/after launch capabilities.

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