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State Department Clears Saudi Arabia’s $2.8B FMS Request for System Logistics & Sustainment Support

The State Department has approved Saudi Arabia’s potential $2.8 billion foreign military sales request to purchase from the U.S. government follow-on logistics and sustainment support services for its air force’s aircraft fleets and existing platforms.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Tuesday the proposed FMS deal covers support for a wide range of aircraft, including C-130, KC-130J, RE-3 and Bell 212, KIV-77/78 cryptographic devices and joint mission planning software and hardware.

The Middle Eastern country also requested to procure spares and repair parts, calibration support and test equipment, technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, government and contractor engineering, program support and other technical services.

Saudi Arabia expects the proposed transaction to improve its capability to deter existing and future threats.

The FMS deal may require the deployment of a small number of government and contractor representatives to Saudi Arabia.

DSCA noted that it notified Congress of the potential sale on Tuesday.

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