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RTX Awarded $1.9B MDA Contract to Produce SM-3 Block IIA Interceptors

RTX (NYSE: RTX) has secured a potential $1.94 billion contract from the Missile Defense Agency to manufacture and assemble next-generation ballistic missile interceptors for the U.S. government and Japan’s defense ministry. 

The Department of Defense said Thursday the sole-source award covers the production of Standard Missile-3 Block IIA all-up rounds for the two countries.

The company will perform work in Tucson, Arizona, and Huntsville, Alabama, through Feb. 28, 2031.

MDA will obligate approximately $967 million in fiscal 2023 and 2024 defensewide procurement funds.

Japan will allocate $308.4 million in foreign military sales funds at the time of award.

The SM-3 Block IIA interceptor features larger rocket motors and a larger kinetic warhead to detect and counter advanced and emerging ballistic missile threats.

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