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Navy Picks 11 Contractors for $496M Machinery, Services Procurement

Eleven companies were selected by the U.S. Navy for the procurement of machinery and systems services for naval vessels and land-based sites.

The Department of Defense said Thursday the vendors secured spots on the indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract with a combined value of $496.1 million. 

The contract covers the procurement of hull, mechanical and electrical machinery and systems services necessary for the maintenance and support of naval vessels, including surface fleet, submarines and land-based sites.

Selected companies are as follows:

  • Continental Tide Defense Systems 
  • Delphinus Engineering 
  • Epsilon Systems Solutions
  • General Dynamics Information Technology
  • HII Fleet Support Group
  • Life Cycle Engineering
  • NDI Engineering
  • Q.E.D. Systems
  • Serco Inc.
  • Valkyrie Enterprises
  • VT Milcom

The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract will have a five-year ordering period and an expected competition date of July 2030.

Work will be done at different locations in the country and overseas, particularly in private and naval shipyards, military sites and at the contractor’s own facility.

The Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division, which manages the contract, will obligate an initial amount from fiscal 2024 operations and maintenance funds to the awardees. Additional funding will be provided at the task order level.

The Navy received 11 offers for the contract, which was competitively procured through SAM.gov.

Get to know some of the Navy’s esteemed leaders during the Potomac Officers Club’s 2024 Navy Summit on Aug. 15. Click here to register.

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