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House Approves $833B FY25 Defense Spending Bill

The Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Appropriations Act, which provides a total discretionary allocation of $833.053 billion, cleared the House on Friday with a 217-198 vote.

“This FY25 Defense bill ensures our defenders are equipped, trained, and prepared to protect the United States,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole, R-Ok., said in a statement Friday. “It leads with strength against our adversaries, investing in capabilities to confront and defeat threats—if and when they arise.”

The defense spending proposal, which is up $8.57 billion from FY24 level, boosts investments in 5th and 6th generation aircraft like the F-35, includes more than $1.3 billion for Defense Innovation Unit and select defensewide innovation efforts and funds a 4.5 percent pay raise for all military personnel.

It also provides $500 million for the Israeli Cooperative Missile Defense Programs and raises funding for the National Guard Counterdrug Program.

The bill seeks to refocus the Department of Defense on having combat-ready military forces for national security and war deterrence.

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