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Bipartisan Senate Bill Seeks to Create Framework to Harmonize Federal Cybersecurity Regulations

Sens. Gary Peters, D-Mich., and James Lankford, R-Okla., have proposed a bipartisan bill that would establish an interagency committee within the Office of the National Cyber Director to develop a framework to harmonize cybersecurity and information security regulations and compliance requirements across the federal government.

The Streamlining Federal Cybersecurity Regulations Act would create a pilot program to test the framework on similar regulations, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said.

The proposed measure would also direct all agencies to consult with the harmonization committee at ONCD before releasing or updating regulations.

“In order to properly combat the threat of cyberattacks, federal agencies must have comprehensive, coordinated cyber regulations in place,” said Peters, chairman of the Senate panel.

“My bill will harmonize federal cybersecurity regulations to ensure our government and regulators are working together to address cybersecurity threats in the most effective way,” he added.

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