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State Department OKs Taiwan’s FMS Request for Switchblade 300 System

The State Department has cleared a potential $60.2 million foreign military sale transaction with Taiwan for the Switchblade 300 anti-personnel and anti-armor loitering missile system and related equipment.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Tuesday it informed Congress about the department approving the FMS request of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S.

TECRO asked to procure 720 Switchblade 300 All Up Rounds, 101 SB300 fire control systems, non-major defense equipment and a range of support services.

AeroVironment (Nasdaq: AVAV) will serve as the potential sale’s principal contractor.

Switchblade 300 is a loitering precision strike missile that conventional and special operations forces can rapidly deploy from mobile positions in the field or from fixed defensive positions to target beyond-line-of-sight objects.

The State Department also approved TECRO’s potential $300 million FMS request for Anduril IndustriesAltius 600M-V unmanned aerial vehicles and related equipment.

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