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Defense Innovation Unit to Allocate FY 2024 Budget Across 4 Categories; Doug Beck Quoted

The Defense Innovation Unit has begun the strategic allocation of its fiscal year 2024 budget worth approximately $983 million to advance its DIU 3.0 strategy aimed at accelerating and expanding the delivery of commercial technology platforms to warfighters.

DIU said Thursday it will allocate its FY 2024 budget across four categories designed to accelerate vital projects, initiate new, critical lines of effort, strengthen strategic initiatives led by partners in the Defense Innovation Community of Entities and address systemic barriers to capability adoption at scale.

Approximately 50 percent of the budget will go to the Replicator program and other uncrewed system efforts, contributions to the Joint Fires Network, critical programs in commercial space, energy, cyber and human systems and initiatives to advance operational logistics capabilities across contested areas.

“We are grateful for Congress’ confidence in our mission and are working closely with our partners across the Department to deliver on the imperative facing us to harness the very best of commercially derived technology for our strategic priorities,” said DIU Director Doug Beck.

“DIU’s FY24 spending is concentrated on closing the U.S. military’s most critical operational capability gaps with the focus, speed, and scale required to help us deter major conflict or win if forced to fight,” added Beck.

DIU expects to issue more than 12 solicitations using the Commercial Solutions Opening process over the next few months and will use the FY 2024 budget to boost the Department of Defense’s partnerships with technology companies and investors.

In April, DIU appointed Liz Young McNally, a senior executive and a U.S. Army veteran, as deputy director of commercial operations. In this capacity, she will oversee the defense organization’s collaboration with the investment community and commercial technology sector.

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