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AFWERX, SpaceWERX Unveil Strategic Funding Increase Selections for 2024

The innovation arms of the U.S. Air Force and Space Force have announced the cohorts of small businesses that secured Strategic Funding Increase contracts for program year 2024 to help transition their defense technologies from the development phase to full production.

The 2024 STRATFI initiative accounts for $193 million in Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer funds, $419 million in government matching funds and $187 million in private matching funds, the Air Force Research Laboratory said Friday.

Funding for each defense project within the STRATFI program ranges from $3 million to $15 million.

Selected projects under the AFWERX STRATFI program include a 3D scanning and visualization tool using artificial intelligence and extended reality, an advanced tactical augmented reality tool, bombers robotics and control systems for coordinated operations.

SpaceWERX selected projects focused on key space operations such as geosynchronous satellite servicing, mobile autonomous robotic swarms and proliferated GEO satellite communications.

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