Serco Books $84M 9th Air Force Organizational Support Contract; Tom Watson Quoted - GovCon Wire
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Serco Books $84M 9th Air Force Organizational Support Contract; Tom Watson Quoted

The U.S. arm of professional services provider Serco has secured a potential $84 million contract from the U.S. Air Force for organizational planning, program management and technical consulting support to the Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central) and its air combat missions in Southwest Asia.

Serco Inc. said Thursday it will assist 9AF AFCENT personnel in program management, joint operations, information technology, intelligence, contingency planning, logistics, operational employment of airpower and other functional areas.

The contract also requires planning, training and assessment support for 9AF AFCENT’s mission responsibilities and maintenance of supporting infrastructure.

Work will occur at Headquarters 9AF AFCENT at Shaw Air Force Base, deployment locations and subordinate units in the continental U.S. and overseas.

“This contract award highlights the intelligence, technical, and mission-ready capability support our team provides to the U.S. Air Forces Central Command,” said Tom Watson, CEO of Serco Inc.

The contract has a one-year base period with four option years and one six-month extension period.

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