Salesforce's Scott Brock on Advancing State, Local IT Modernization With Right Platform Technology - GovCon Wire
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Salesforce’s Scott Brock on Advancing State, Local IT Modernization With Right Platform Technology

Scott Brock, vice president of strategy and business development for state and local at Salesforce (NYSE: CRM), said chief information officers at state and local government agencies should consider the platform technology they intend to adopt as they advance information technology modernization.

“Most have moved into the cloud, but modernizing with a platform is a new way of thinking. It means deciding which platforms to adopt and which use cases to build onto these platforms,” Brock wrote in an article published on

He noted that agencies should reduce the technology stack as they pursue their IT modernization efforts.

“When agencies choose the right platform, they benefit from the use cases that are already on it so they don’t have to start from scratch,” he added.

To leverage the platform technology, Brock said there are two steps state CIOs should take and the first is “focusing on quick wins that are aligned with key business processes” and the second is hiring the right talent.

“Just as we are adopting an agile approach to technology, we should take an agile approach to hiring that allows us to train the best and brightest quickly and begin transforming our organizations project by project,” he noted.

Brock cited as an example the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services and how its team facilitated the licensing process in over 200 trade professions for citizens through the development of a mobile-first platform.

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