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Navy Modifies Unmanned Air Vehicle Contract With Boeing Subsidiary

The U.S. Navy has awarded Boeing‘s (NYSE: BA) Insitu subsidiary a $191.8 million firm-fixed-price contract modification to supply a total of 38 Blackjack and ScanEagle unmanned air vehicles.

The amended contract includes orders for 48 support equipment, payloads and turrets, spares and tools elemental to the two UAV platforms, the Department of Defense said Wednesday.

Insitu will provide the items to the Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps and foreign military sales customers.

The RQ-21A Blackjack does not require a runway and features an airborne sensor system designed to produce actionable intelligence in real time, according to the Navy.

Insitu will perform most of the work in Bingen, Washington, with some of the production taking place outside the continental U.S.The Navy will obligate funds per individual order issued. 

Contract work is slated for completion in June 2026. 

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