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Executive Spotlight With Booz Allen VP Kevin Coggins Highlights In-Orbit System Advancements, Zero Trust in Space Architecture, PNT Trends

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Kevin Coggins, vice president for positioning, navigation and timing at Booz Allen Hamilton, was featured in the most recent Executive Spotlight interview with ExecutiveBiz on Wednesday. He discussed the challenges in providing U.S. military branches with up-to-date data management, artificial intelligence and robotics; the advancement of in-orbit systems; the zero trust architecture for space-enabled networks; as well as the PNT trends.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview with Coggins about the key trends to notice as PNT technologies and methods continue to evolve:

“The underlying driver of these key trends is what we just talked about – defense systems and critical infrastructure are critically dependent on accurate time and position information.  Without this information, they face severe challenges.

The first key trend is that the methods of access to trusted PNT information are about to evolve. GPS and its enablers will be a part of the cornerstone, however, there are going to be other players with unique methods that solve some of the challenges plaguing GPS…

The second key trend is really about the affordability of adopting new technology and pacing the threat. Open architectures are a key consideration.”

Visit ExecutiveBiz to read the full Executive Spotlight interview with Booz Allen VP Kevin Coggins, and don’t miss our other interviews with the most significant executives of consequence to the federal and government contracting sector.

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