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CISA Official Boyden Rohner to Speak at GovCon Wire’s Information Security Forum

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Boyden Rohner, associate director of vulnerability management at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, will lend her insights to a panel discussion about the current information security environment at GovCon Wire’s Feb. 23 virtual event.

Rohner has two decades of national security experience and leads CISA’s initiatives to safeguard the supply chain from cyber vulnerabilities. She previously served as deputy director of operations at the National Cyber and Communications Integrations Center and began her career in the U.S. Navy as a surface warfare officer.

A Nov. 4 StateTech Magazine report quoted Rohner as saying the agency has observed the number of ransomware attacks at non-federal agencies rise during 2021. “It is an epidemic affecting cities, police, hospitals, schools, manufacturing and critical infrastructure targets, and ransomware actors do not discriminate based on sector or organization size,” she told the publication.

Join GCW’s upcoming Information Security and Innovation Forum to hear from CISA officials and industry representatives as they discuss the role of public-private partnerships to secure information in the digital age.

CISA Chief Information Officer Robert Costello will deliver the keynote address at the event to overview his work at CISA and the agency’s role in efforts to help the public and private sectors enhance data security posture.

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