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Capella Space-Army Partnership to Explore Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications

The U.S. Army’s Space and Missile Defense Technical Center will collaborate with Capella Space to explore military applications of synthetic aperture radar data under a cooperative research and development agreement.

Capella Space said Thursday it will help the Army Payload Development Lab conduct space technology simulation and testing efforts that involve SAR data collection service.

The company’s satellite technology obtains the amplitude and phase of Earth observation imagery to give users information about the properties of a material, elevation and small changes in the landscape.

“Every day, the United States Armed Forces are tasked with keeping the peace and saving lives across multiple domains in a state of constant change. You need timely intelligence to drive the best possible outcomes,” said Payam Banazadeh, founder and CEO of Capella Space.

The satellite imagery provider also received separate contracts with other military services, the Space Development Agency and In-Q-Tel, the intelligence community’s venture capital organization.

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