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Army Plans Network Convergence to Establish Multidomain Force Capability by 2028

U.S. Army officials are working to synchronize the modernization of its enterprise and tactical networks for the first phase of an initiative to create an Army force that is ready for multidomain operations from 2028 onwards.

The Army’s Unified Network Plan, released Oct. 8, outlines five lines of effort to align service personnel, capabilities and organizational structure needed to conduct MDO.

The Network Cross-Functional Team within Army Futures Command is preparing a data fabric that can support information processing in different classification levels and formats to ensure decision dominance, according to a Breaking Defense report.

Brig. Gen. Jeth Rey, director of N-CFT, cited transport-agnostic communications, security architecture and data-centric environment as key components of the network integration effort.

Rey is scheduled to participate in an Oct. 27 forum hosted by the Potomac Officers Club to offer his perspective on how the  U.S. military and industry will build a robust and resilient network to support the Defense Department’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control strategy.

The next virtual event in POC’s JADC2 Series will also feature Maj. Gen. Michael Schmidt, program executive officer for command, control, communication, intelligence and networks at the U.S. Air Force. Industry representatives invited to speak at the forum include Khalid Syed, a senior vice president at Booz Allen Hamilton; and Bryon Hargis, director of government sales at SpaceX. Register here.

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