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KBR Wins Potential $416M USMC Staging Post Support Order

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KBR (NSYE: KBR) has won a potential $416.3 million task order to provide expeditionary staging area services at a U.S. Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia.

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic issued the task order with a $72.8 million base value, plus 10 unexercised options, as part of a multiple-award U.S. Navy contract vehicle for global contingency services, the Department of Defense said Tuesday.

The Houston-based company will be responsible for securing the labor, materials and equipment needed to execute the work at Marine Corps Base Quantico.

USMC obligated $29 million on the task order using the branch’s fiscal 2021 operation and maintenance funds and intends to use $43.8 million in overseas humanitarian, disaster, civic aid funds to cover the remaining amount of the initial base period.

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