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Navy Launches Rolling Admissions for $50B SeaPort Next Generation IDIQ

The U.S. Navy has issued a new solicitation to expand the current of pool of vendors competing for task orders under the potential 10-year, $50B SeaPort Next Generation contract vehicle for professional services. 

A notice posted Monday on the beta SAM website says the service has launched a rolling admissions process for the SeaPort NxG indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract and will accept proposals from new companies through Feb. 12.

Services to be delivered under the multiple-award contract vehicle are classified into engineering and program management services. 

The engineering services category covers functional areas such as engineering, system engineering and safety and process engineering support; software engineering, development, programming and network support; modeling, simulation, stimulation and analysis support.

Functional areas under the program management services category include financial analysis and budget support; quality assurance support; functional and direct programmatic administrative support; logistics support; and professional development and training support.

Bloomberg Government reported SeaPort NxG contract obligations reached $1B in fiscal year 2020. 

The Navy awarded 1,870 companies spots on the contract vehicle in December 2018.

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