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Army Needs Industry Input on ISR Payloads for MQ-1C Unmanned Aircraft

The U.S. Army seeks market information on payloads for aerial intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance that would support the MQ-1C Gray Eagle's joint all-domain operations.

The service branch said Wednesday in a SAM notice it needs to identify market sources of synthetic aperture radar, moving target indicator, electronic intelligence and other AISR payloads for the Gray Eagle.

The payloads, which also include communications intelligence, air launched effects and radar warning receiver, must accommodate extended targeting ranges without the need for electro-optical, infrared and other traditional sight equipment. The extended targeting ability would support long-range precision fires in JADO scenarios, according to the Army's request for information.

Army Futures Command has also laid out payload survivability requirements for specific scenarios such as when flying near integrated anti-air threats.

Interested parties may submit responses through Jan. 15, 2021.

A Gray Eagle sensor payload JADO demonstration is expected to be hosted in fiscal year 2022 to evaluate the systems.

General Atomics' aeronautical systems subsidiary produces the MQ-1C UAS.

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