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NNSA Readies Solicitation for Potential $28B Nuclear Security Site Mgmt Contract

The National Nuclear Security Administration has indicated its intent to launch a full and open competition for a 10-year, $28B contract for management and operating support to two nuclear weapons facilities in Texas and  Tennessee.

NNSA expects to issue a final request for proposals for the follow-on Y-12 National Security Complex and Pantex Plant support contract in the first quarter of the governmen's 2021 fiscal year, according to a presolicitation notice posted Friday.

Consolidated Nuclear Security — which is composed of Bechtel, Leidos, ATK Launch Systems, SOC LLC and Booz Allen Hamilton — currently operates the facilities for NNSA under a contract slated to expire on Sept. 30 next year.

Actvities at the two sites include providing support for the assembly and dismantlement of nuclear weapons,  enriched uranium storage and nuclear proliferation risk reduction efforts.

Interested parties have until Aug. 31 to submit questions on the upcoming solicitation.

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