A joint venture between Amentum and Jacobs (NYSE: J) has received a potential two-year contract modification that will extend the partnership’s work with the Department of Energy on environmental remediation efforts at the Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee.
The Amentum-led UCOR JV will support the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management throughout a one-year base period and two six-month extension options, DOE said Monday.
UCOR, which has provided cleanup support to OREM since 2011, will continue to remove structures and uranium hazards at the East Tennessee Technology Park in an effort to address DOE’s “Vision 2020” mission.
The partnership will also help transition workforce at the site into new projects with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Y-12 National Security Complex.
Such projects will involve demolition and deactivation services to prevent facility and environmental deterioration while preparing land for future missions related to scientific research and national security, according to DOE.
“Our overarching goal is to reduce environmental risk for East Tennessee, which is transforming the site and enabling the expansion of federal missions," said Ken Reuter, president and CEO of UCOR.
Work under the contract extension is scheduled to commence Aug. 1 and will continue through July 2021.