Army SMDC Vet Gary Mayes Joins Sentar as R&D Senior Director - GovCon Wire
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Army SMDC Vet Gary Mayes Joins Sentar as R&D Senior Director

Jeff Brody

Gary Mayes, who previously held various leadership positions at U.S. Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command, has been named senior director of research and development at Huntsville, Ala.-based cybersecurity company Sentar.

The 34-year federal civilian service veteran will work with Sentar’s R&D team to identify and align technology investment opportunities with corporate strategy, as well as engage with business units to help customers address challenges, the company said Tuesday.

Mayes will also oversee the creation of a systematic investment approach for R&D efforts based on the firm’s intelligence, cybersecurity, analytics and systems engineering experience.

At the Army SMDC, he coordinated the Small Business Innovation Research and Rapid Innovation Fund programs, led strategic planning for the center’s Technical Center laboratory, and served as deputy chief within the research and advanced concepts division.

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