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General Atomics to Build Subassemblies Under Army Hypersonic Glide Body Prototyping Project; Scott Forney Quoted

Jeff Brody

A General Atomics business unit will produce mechanical, cabling and electrical systems for a U.S. Army program that aims to create an initial 20 prototypes of the Common Hypersonic Glide Body system.

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems plans to manufacture C-HGB subassemblies at facilities located in California, Alabama and Mississippi, the company said Monday.

GA-EMS is part of a Dynetics-led industry team that won a three-year, $351.6M other transaction agreement from the Army in September.

œWe bring expertise in manufacturing highly complex systems, a long standing relationship with Sandia National Laboratories, and prior experience on the Block 0 glide body, to this high priority national security program, GA-EMS President Scott Forney said.

“Hypersonic weapon systems will provide our nation with the ability to strike strategic targets across the globe.”

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT), Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) are the other teammembers on the program.

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