Barbara Humpton, Siemens USA chairman and CEO and a 2019 Wash100 winner, has joined Triumph Groups (NYSE: TGI) board as an independent director.
Daniel Crowley, president and CEO of Triumph Group, said in a statement published Monday Humptons addition to the board comes as the company completes its restructuring effort and advances financial and operational recovery necessary to improve shareholder value.
Since she joined Siemens in 2011, Humpton has held senior leadership positions including president and CEO of the companys government technologies business. She also served in vice president roles at Booz Allen Hamilton (NYSE: BAH) and Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT).
Humpton is the chairman of the Siemens Foundation, the American Heart Association Greater Washington Region and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. She sits on the boards of the Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, National Association of Manufacturers and the Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association.
Daniel Garton, who joined Triumphs board in February 2018, has been named chair of the boards audit committee. He succeeds Dawne Hickton, who resigned as a board member to focus on her duties as president and chief operating officer of Jacobs Engineering Groups (NYSE: JEC) aerospace, technology and nuclear business.
Garton also serves on the nominating and corporate governance committee and compensation and management development committee of Triumphs board.