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Joshua Skule, Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence with the FBI, Announced as Keynote Speaker for Potomac Officers Club’s 2019 Intel Summit on July 31st

Joshua Skule, Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence with FBI

Joshua Skule, executive assistant director of Intelligence for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), will be a keynote speaker for Potomac Officers Club™s 6th Annual Intel Summit on July 31st. Don™t wait to register for the summit right here

GovCon leaders from the public and private sector will discuss the top priorities and initiatives from intelligence agencies as the emergence of innovative technologies continues to change the landscape. During the summit, our speakers will address the impact technology is making on the intelligence community and how to stay ahead of the curve. 

Skule assumed his current role within the FBI in June 2016 and he serves as the strategic leader of the FBI™s intelligence program, with centralized authority, responsibility and oversight for all of the FBI™s intelligence work. He began his career with the FBI as a Special Agent in Chicago™s field office and climbed the ladder through various senior leadership positions to his current post. 

Skule™s holds extensive experience in counterterrorism, cyber investigations, field intelligence program, excellence in language services, improved finished intelligence production, refined confidential human source validation, development of the intelligence workforce, and cross-programmatic strategic analysis. In addition, Skule graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a Bachelor™s Degree in Political Science and Government in 1991. 

John Edwards of the CIA and 2019 Wash100 Award recipients Vice Adm. Robert Sharp of the NGA and Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley of DIA will join Skule as keynote speaks for Potomac Officers Club™s 6th Annual Intel Summit on July 31st. Register for POC™s Intel Summit right here.

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