CACI International (NYSE: CACI) has received a potential seven-year, $880M task order from the U.S. Army to provide engineering and information technology support services for the military branchs Product Lead Reserve Component Automation System-Force Management System.
The company said Tuesday it will continue to help the Army accelerate software development for its personnel and force management systems through the use of CACIs Agile Solution Factory framework under the IT Enterprise Management Systems Solution task order awarded under the General Services Administrations Alliant 2 contract vehicle.
Under the ITEMSS contract, CACIs ASF will help the Army implement multiple personnel and force management systems, including RCAS and FMS, two of the most efficient large-scale personnel and force management systems in the world, said Ken Asbury, CACI president and CEO and a 2019 Wash100 winner.
The ITEMSS task order includes software and hardware design, cybersecurity, network, military construction, distance learning program and sustainment and modification support.