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SAP NS2’s Carmen Krueger: Agencies Should Have a Framework for Cloud Transition

Carmen Krueger

Carmen Krueger, senior vice president and general manager of cloud operations at SAP (NYSE: SAP) National Security Services, has said government agencies should develop a plan before moving to the cloud in order to determine how cloud adoption would impact service delivery, business processes and mission.

Krueger wrote that agencies should have a governance model or framework designed to help identify opportunities that cloud offers and an example of that is the Eisenhower™s Urgent/Important Principle.

She said the use of such a principle could help agencies prioritize projects or tasks in cloud adoption and other digital transformation efforts.

Government organizations should work to hire, train and retain the œright talent as well as understand the value of change management in their digital transformation initiatives, she noted.

Krueger also called on agencies to foster partnerships with cloud service providers through communication and determine the œtechnology landscape before transitioning to the cloud.

œThey should have a strong grasp of the system architectures supporting legacy applications”including insight into institutional knowledge employees may have” so when agencies are ready to make the move, the unknowns don™t hold them back, she added.

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