GSA said Monday that 77 vendors won contracts under the Human Capital and Training Solutions Unrestricted vehicle.
The agency awarded the HCaTS acquisition vehicle in partnership with the Office of Personnel Management as part of OPMs Training and Management Assistance program.
Denise Turner Roth, GSA administrator and an inductee into Executive Mosaics Wash100 for 2016, said HCATS seeks to provide federal agencies a category-specific platform to gain access to human capital and training services.
GSA and OPM will respectively perform contract administration and program management functions for the HCaTS procurement vehicle.
The vehicles small business portion is currently under a stay of performance, GSA noted.
GSA awarded 109 contractors in May positions on HCaTS Unrestricted and HCaTS SB contracts worth up to $11.5 billion combined with an ordering period of 10 and a half years and an additional five years to complete task orders.